Top Non-Profit Organization in Phoenix Arizona

Top Non-Profit Organization in Phoenix Arizona

For some times back many kids were not going to school because of fees . When the new president was elected in 2018 , he proclaimed gratuity for primary school , almost five millions went back to school. Now the question is where to put them .The main purpose of our non-profit organization is to show you the current situation of damage in schools, hospitals, , orphanages & vocational home in Congo DRC So, Jesus Promotion Church International could take precautionary measures to save from the destruction and provide a safe environment to pupils of CONGO DRC. We look for basic needs, most them have been in devastating state. In the current situation, pupils are learning by sitting on stones. no proper building , in case there is rain students run or stay until it stop. 


Congo has been a dictatorship country for 50 years most of the schools are down. we are planning to build 1000 schools. In case you want to build one school , it will be in your name , for your legacy and memorial. Luke 7:3When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to ask Him to come and heal his servant. 4 They came to Jesus and pleaded with Him earnestly, “This man is worthy to have You grant this, 5for he loves our nation and has built our temple .”