Jesus Promotion Church International Financials

Jesus Promotion Church International Financials

The total budget for the execution of the plan will be “$5000000”.

Financial Description

Jesus Promotion is not going to wait, what the government will do for them, we are going to do our part. "John Kenneth” said: do not wait what America will do for you, ask yourself what I will do for America "

Entities Required

  • Jesus Church planned to build 20 Schools which includes 10 Primary schools & 10 High Schools, there will be 12 classes of 50 pupils each for Primary School & 12 Classes of 50 students each for high Schools. 
  • Each school will have 100 Computers, which means totals of 2000 Computers. 
  • Each School need 60 Desks, which means a total of 1200 Desks for 20 Schools o Because: in some cases students doing their state exam on the floor sitting on stones. 
  • Each school needs one Basket & Soccer field & Gymnasium hall.

Note : Luke 7:3 When the centurion heard about Jesus, he sent some Jewish elders to ask Him to come and heal his servant. They came to Jesus & pleaded with Him earnestly, “This man is worthy to have you grant this, 5for he loves our nation and has built our synagogue.”

How Can We Help?

Contact us with any questions.